Thursday, October 31, 2019

Project Management Risk Management Case Study (Space Shuttle) Essay

Project Management Risk Management Case Study (Space Shuttle) - Essay Example Could it have been averted? In this essay today, we will look at the mishap from the perspective of Risk Management and try to critically analyze the causes, and lessons learnt from the tragedy. Launching a Space Shuttle has always been a tricky business. With so many complexities to handle and parameters to fulfill simultaneously, it involves a high level of risk. On 1st February 2003, the Flight Control Team at Columbia did not report any issues or problems related to the planned de-orbit and re-entry. The team had indicated no concerns about the debris impact to the left wing during ascent, and it seemed like any other re-entry since all the systems were normal and the weather observations and forecasts were within guidelines. However, as Columbia descended from space into the atmosphere, the heat produced by air molecules colliding with the Orbiter typically caused wing leading-edge temperatures to rise steadily. In the events that followed, a broken message was recorded from the mission commander: â€Å"Roger, uh, bu†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This was the last message from the crew. Soon after that, the space shuttle started disintegrating causing a loud boom and debris being sca ttered in the clear skies of Dallas. In case of any space program, the margin of error has to be next to nil since it not only entails billions of dollars of public money but also many precious lives. With Columbia, too, although the risk probability was extremely high, the consequences were still acceptable. So what went wrong? According to the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB), politics, budgets, schedule pressure and managerial complacency all contributed in causing the Columbia disaster. The CAIB report also delved deeply into the underlying organizational and cultural issues that led to the accident. However, the most apparent cause seems to be inaccurate risk assessment. In a risk-management scenario similar to the Challenger disaster of 1986, NASA management failed

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Project Report on Performance Appraisal Essay Example for Free

Project Report on Performance Appraisal Essay It is not constituted by individual sounds but by their accurately measure the performance of its members and use it objectively to optimize them as vital resources. The performance of an employee is his resultant behavior on task which can be bserved and evaluated. It refers to the contribution made by an individual in the accomplishment of organizational objectives. Performance can be measured by combining quantity, quality, time and cost. People do not learn unless they are given feedback on the results of their actions. For learning to take place, feedback should be provided regularly and it should register both successes and failures. It should also follow soon after the relevant action or actions. Performance appraisal system provides management an opportunity to recall as well as give feedback to people. This feedback is pertaining the performance of the worker. This helps them to correct their mistakes and acquire new skills. Performance appraisal (PA) refers to all those procedures that are used to evaluate the personality, the performance and the potential of its group members. Evaluation is different from Judgment. The former is concerned with performance and the latter is concerned with the individual. While evaluation deals with achievement of goals, a Judgment has an undercurrent of personal attack and is likely to evoke resistance. Performance appraisal could be informal or formal. Informal performance appraisal is a continuous process of feeding back information o the subordinates about how well they are doing their work in the organization. The informal appraisal is conducted on a day-today basis. For example, the manager spontaneously mentions that a particular piece of work was well performed or poorly performed. It is due to the close connection between the behavior and the feedback on it, the informal appraisal quickly encourages desirable performance and discourages undesirable performance before it becomes permanently ingrained. Therefore, informal appraisal should not be perceived merely as a casual occurrence but as an important activity and an integral part of the organizations culture. The formal performance appraisal occurs usually annually on formal basis and involves appraise and appraiser in finding answers to the following questions: 1 . What performance level has to be achieved during the period? 2. Has it been achieved? 3. What has been the shortfall and constraints? 4. What are we going to do now? 5. How will we know that we have done it? 6. What kind of feedback can be expected? 7. What assistance can be expected to improve performance? 8. What rewards and opportunities are likely to follow from the performance appraisal? When the employees have this type of information, they are aware of the following pecifications:- 2. What assistance is available? 3. What can they expect when the required level of performance is achieved? This increases employee acceptance of the appraisal process and results in the trust that the employee has in the organization. An environment that affords an opportunity for further growth while minimizing stressful situations certainly enhances appraisal acceptance. Establishing this type of environment goes far beyond the performance appraisal process. Every aspect of managing people and their work relates to the improvement of their quality of work life. Performance appraisal is an integral part of trusting, healthy and happy work environment that goes a long way in promoting the same. Performance appraisal has been used for the following three purposes: Remedial Maintenance Development A performance appraisal needs to cover all these three purposes with the same focus. If any purpose predominates, the system becomes out of balance. For instance, if remedial purpose is foremost, then the performance appraisal may become a disciplinary tool, a form of a charge sheet and a tool of power instead of instrument of evaluation.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

How Strong Is Your Faith Religion Essay

How Strong Is Your Faith Religion Essay Biblical character Job placed much faith in his lord. He kept his faith despite some of the harshest of circumstances. Job had immense resources that provided for him and his family until Satan challenged God to a test of Jobs faith. It was then that great tragedy befell Job and his family. Further testing his faith, God disfigured Jobs face by giving him welts. Through this entire calamity, Jobs faith grew even stronger, proving Satan wrong. God then replaced Jobs health, job, land, and even provided with him a better wife. Confused, Job wondered why he experienced such a dramatic rollercoaster of life. Job asked God why did this all happen?, and God replied: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Because Im God. Thats was all the answer he needed. God can easily take back everything that he created at any time, which causes man to fear God. People of the purest faith realize this and repay God with a lifetime of homage and servitude. This is usually the key behind all religions were theres a God. For example, in the Hindu faith they have a God in which goes by the name of Shiva, believed to be the restorer and destroyer of worlds, which gives Shiva the persona of being one of the most temperamental gods of any faith. Shiva has the power to destroy the world on a simple whim. To prove his power, Shiva once cut his own sons head and replaced it with an Elephants head. Once there was a story of a man whom desired power more than anything in the world. He had to obtain sacred weapons from Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page3 which were created by Shiva. Through deep meditation that went on till he clouded the heavens that eventually angered Shiva. Shiva then challenged the man to a battle, in which he was easily conquered. Shiva was still impressed by the will and determination of this man, so Shiva ended providing him with the weapons that he desired so much. Shiva requires the type of faith that is strong enough that man would even challenge God himself, which would make him the ideal Hindu. Religion is a part of everyones life; throughout history, in art, in music, and especially in literature. Its something that could even be traced back to mans earliest presence in this world. Some peoples faith extends further than others, but does this really matter? When comparing the stories of Job and Jonah, faith seems to no make a difference to God. Job being someone who had strong, pure, and unfaltering faith, and on the other hand, Jonah had such faltering faith. Yet Job was punished when God tested his faith, and at the same time Jonah just fled from God, and yet he was forgiven. Faith seems not to really matter to God in the long run. Between these stories it seems that the good man ends up getting screwed in the end, while the bad guy seems to be rewarded. With that being said, does one man who truly worships God and pure end up weighing more in the eyes of God than an apathetic Hindu? Man having the need to believe that there is something out there that might superior to him with some type of explanation for our presence on this world. God having such an unimaginable popularity to mankind makes him necessary to mankind, definitely having lasted this long. We want to believe and find something that proves there is something more than just a void when its all over. Subconsciously, we even realize there actually was no God, and no afterlife, there would be no consequences, and the basic goodness within man would come to a fault which would take away from us maintaining the little order we have, and would promote chaos all around. Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page4 The amazing part of our world is that everyone has unique gifts, skills, and abilities. One man may end up as smart as Albert Einstein with a body like the Hulk, and his brother would have the mind of the Rain-Man and the body of Moby Dick. God seems to rewards us in a variety of ways. Some of us are blessed spiritually, some physically, some mentally, when some are all rounded. Rewards could be proportional to faith. A man with wealth may be a strong believer, while a man with nothing may be a blasphemer. But there might be no connection between the amount of faith you have and how youre rewarded. This would make it much easier to believe, when some of the wealthiest people out there are usually sinful or have their hands something that is. People who believe might not be any better off than people who dont believe. But theres a question that still remains; is religion actually good or bad? In Moby Dick, questions of faith, reward, and reason, floats about subliminally in the lives and fates of all the players. The Pulpit: At my first glimpse of the pulpit, it had not escaped me that however convenient for a ship, these joints in the present instance seemed unnecessary. For I was not prepared to see Father Mapple after gaining the height, slowly turn around, and stooping over the pulpit, deliberately drag up the ladder step by step, till the whole was deposited within, leaving him impregnable in his little Quebec. Things like isolation, and alienation could end up being the result of strong faith. This causes you to be set apart from the crowd, making you an outcast. Father Mapple being one of the truest believers in this novel Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page5 sets himself up at a distant, higher, and more protected place. Mapple believes he is a direct messenger from God. In this chapter The Pulpit is built unlike any other. According to Mapples specifications, it was extremely tall with a long rope ladder leading to his platform; this setup was very similar to boarding a vessel. Once Mapple withdrawals the ladder, he goes to an isolated world of his own, taking him away from the city where hes an extremely popular whale man. He feels to have such a necessity of going away to an isolated island away from the real world so then he can communicate with God. Being on a nearly empty, isolated ship seems to be all thats left of his religion. This can be taken to mean that while Mapple is alone on his vessel and silence is surrounding him, he must climb up the simple ladder toward heaven in order to escape the land of the sinners so he can communicate Gods word. He then pulls up the ladder to prevent any distractions, visitors, or invaders. Usu ally a real vessel would be set off to sea, which spiritually Mapple has to do. He then stands up high, looking down on the congregation, he feels he is superior. He has a painting at the foot of the Pulpit of this ship fighting off a colossal storm, and through the clouds is an Angel that is creating light to guide the lonely vessel home. The vessel in the painting is also the same as the vessel represented by the Pulpit and Mapple is at the Helm. Now at the top of the Pulpit is a podium where Mapple reads his bible. His bible in which guides his ship through the storms of evil. Now the resemblance of all this is that religion represents this lonely vessel, which must break through these storms of evil before the world can be holy, and Mapple is the only crewmember on this vessel, who represents mankind. Religion is being a lonely vessel, and man stays alone on this vessel. The tale from Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner further expresses this solitude. The mariner, who was a man that was cursed to walk the earth, telling his tale to those that he felt were fit. Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page6 Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner: I pass, like night, from land to land; I have strange power of speech the moment that his face I see I know the man that must hear me; to him my tale I teach It was tale of a seaman whose crew had encountered some grilling times during their voyage. They discovered salvation in a special Albatross that helped guide their path with swift wind to clear their passage. Once they were out in the clear, they witnessed that there blessed creature was killed by the mariner. In an instant the situation deteriorated and all two-hundred crew members suddenly dropped dead, with the mariner left all alone in the freezing, stormy weather. Once repented, the vessel was guided by all the ghosts of his crew members to an old hermit who sent him on a solitary quest. The quest he was sent on was for him to spend the rest of his life traveling the world, while telling his tale to all he felt fit. This could very well be Elijahs predicament in (Moby-Dick), someone who appears to be an old insane bum that wont stop trailing Ishmael and Queequeg. It all started when the Pequods papers were signed and that moment Ishmael and Queequeg have in effect signed their souls away. He moved on talking of a prophecy concerning Ahabs fate. Ishmael saw him as a senile fool, but Elijah has a purpose, he is a prophet. He brought about a sense of pessimism before the journey ever started. He was much like the Ancient Mariner in that he was damned to eternity of prophecy and warning. This is a warning that concerns a mistake which will lie ahead on their hunt. To the mariner, the Albatross is hunted despite the fact that it was their salvation sent by god. Elijah might be warning the deaf Ishmael that Moby Dick is actually the Albatross that was sent from god. In any case, Elijahs fate was sealed Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page7 forcing him into a life of solitude. He definitely is a true believer, a prophet, and perhaps even some incarnation of God. Once again someones faith leads them to solitude. Elijahs life may just be the ending to Jonahs story. After Jonah repented he was forgiven and reborn as a prophet. As a prophet or even a direct servant of god, his journey will end up being a solitary one; he will have to fend for himself much like Elijah was. Everyone seems to look upon Elijah with suspicion and ridicule, but this comes with the territory. Although Jonahs story never really ended, his fate was still written in stone, and Elijahs life is that fate. Faith destines him to live a life of solitude. Just like Elijah and Jonah, Ishmael is also left to a fate of spreading his tales to those he felt fit. He is the mariner, in which his voyage killed the albatross and he ended up paying the full price left alone in an empty ocean with nothing but a coffin as a life buoy. In all likeliness, God did not allow Ishmael to just shake it off and move on. This tragedy will end up consuming him for the rest of his life, and this cycle will never end because there will always be another Ishmael and his Pequods. Starbuck on the other hand, is one of the most faithful Christians on the Pequod. He is actually the voice of reason out of the whole crew and always maintains his faith while the majority of the crew ends up disregarding it. Like so many others, his religious faith ends up leading him to solitude. Now in The Quarter-deck, Ahab actually describes his experiences with Moby Dick and then announces the goal of his mission, and the entire crew becomes truly excited in which they all end up going along on his insane quest. Through all of this, Starbuck ended up being the only crew member to realize that Ahab had actually changed and became obsessive after this incident. Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page8 The Quarter-deck: Vengeance on a dumb brute! cried Starbuck, that simply smote thee from blindest instinct! Madness! To be enraged with a dumb thing, Captain Ahab, seems blasphemous. Even from the beginning, Starbucks faith isolated him from the rest, he could have easily decided to follow the crew, but that would falter his faith. He realizes he is completely different from the rest of the crew. He refused to drink sinfully with the rest, due to the crazed and absurd quest of Ahab. Ishmael described the whole crew as being detestable, but Starbuck is actually the ideal man; maybe even Gods blueprint. Now this is quite a difference. Yet the only factor that separates Starbuck from the whole crew is his faith, but his beliefs end up isolating him from the crew. His faith is truly pure but eventually in ends up faltering. He soon realizes that Ahabs obsession has been growing with each passing day and eventually it will kill them all. At point Ahab actually threatens Starbucks life with a musket over a difference of opinions. Starbuck ends up obtaining the musket and is forced to make a decision between his faith and justice. Starbuck being a man of faith knew that no matter the outcome, it will always end up being Gods will. A difference of faiths caused Queequeg to be alienated from the crew. Queequeg was a prince who came from the island of Kokovoko. Over time he developed an interest with Christianity and later ended up finding himself onboard an English whaling vessel. Although he did attempt to be assimilated into Christian society, but he eventually lost interest and ended up returning back to his own faith. The only thing truly learned were just the skills of whaling. Felling like Christianity had actually made him less than pure he decided not return to his Island to claim his throne. Even though he was greatly respected by the crew, they isolated him for his unique Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page9 faith and culture. During Queequegs Ramadan, he was in a deep meditation didnt move for a full day while worshipping his God. Ishmael had never seen anyone do anything like this before, so to get Queequegs attention he tried his hardest to knock down the door. Ishmael- The Ramadan: I then went on, beginning with the rise and progress of the primitive religions and coming down to the various religions of the present time, during which time I labored to show Queequeg that all these Lents, Ramadans, and prolonged ham-squattings in cold, cheerless rooms were stark nonsense; bad for the health; useless for the soul; opposed, in short, to the obvious laws of Hygiene and common sense. I told him, too, that he being in other things such as an extremely sensible and sagacious savage, it pained me, very badly pained me, to see him now so deplorably foolish about this ridiculous Ramadan of his. Ishmael being the fool tries his hardest to cover it by mocking Queequegs god. He questions what kind of savage religion would require your loyalty and discipline. In comparison to other faiths Ishmaels negative reaction indicates the lack of respect Christianity has for their God. Now Queequeg is definitely not the inferior one in this case. It seems that Ishmaels faith may be so weak and insecure that he feels he must convert and condemn every savage he sees. Even though he says that Christianity has progressed, it seems he may very Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page10 well may be using a different dictionary than the rest of the world. Unless progressed actually means to be declined to such an extent that a faithful Christian and a prophet are considered freaks and are shunned and isolated from the world. Ishmaels prayers to Yojo showed that he himself believes that Quequegs faith is inferior to his. Ishmael and Queequeg underwent a pagan ritual, smoking to the doll, in order to confirm their marriage. Ishmael -A Bosom Friend: I was a good Christian; born and bred in the bosom of the infallible Presbyterian Church. How then could I unite with this wild idolater in worshipping his piece of wood? But what is worship? , thought I. Do you suppose now, Ishmael, that the magnanimous God of heaven and earth- pagans and all included-can be possibly be jealous of an insignificant bit of black wood? Impossible! Ishmael is in denial and doesnt realize it. He has troubles excepting that the Christians God and Queequegs God are the same being but in different forms. His faith is not strong enough to see the idol as nothing more than just a piece of wood. This is exactly where the relationship starts to have problems. Ishmael feels church is infallible and lacks any solid proof. He feels this was due to it being forced and installed into him his whole life. On the other hand, Queequeg has spent ample amount of time worshipping his God to where he truly believes. Ishmael being so close-minded, he refuses to accept that Queequegs faith as anything Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page11 more than inferior, therefore making him more isolated from Ishmael than a normal from what Christian standards of friendship are. In other words, Queequegs faith makes Ishmael see him more as a pet than a friend. Queequeg is much like the character that goes by the name of John the savage from Huxleys Brave New World. John was raised away from new civilization, therefore he the opportunity to have his own opinions, ideas, and ideals. Now on the other hand, everybody that lives in this new society were brain washed from when they were children in order to fit into their assigned classes. Just like Ishmael and the Christians, they were raised believed that everything that they thought they knew was infallible. They believed in their somas, a drug, as a means to escape from their reality, while John knows that the somas were only just a diversion. They believed that the Feelies, a form of entertainment, was the only form of art, while john knew that was wrong for a fact. He was well aware of literature, poetry, and Shakespeare. John was very open-minded because he wasnt like everyone else, a brainwashed conformist. So do you think if Ishmael would have become more open if he wasnt raised by the church? Queequeg was discriminated against by everyone, because of his faith when he first boarded the ship. There is one criterion for working aboard the Pequod, it was that you were a Christian. It didnt matter if you were a Killer, thieve, or even an overall scum. All types were welcome with open arms as long as you were Christian. On the other hand, Queequeg must prove himself to everyone before he can work with them. It took a very dramatic experience for Queequeg in order to prove his worth to the crew. This all occurred when a foolish man who ridiculed Queequeg was knocked overboard due to a loose post that knocked him into the ocean. Queequeg immediately dove into the icy water without any hesitation at all in order to save this man, and he succeeded. Since his beliefs differed from the others, he was required prove himself to his shipmates even though it wasnt necessary for others, Christians, to do so. Unfortunately Queequegs faith separated him from Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page12 his shipmates. In a way it seems Christianity really screwed Queequeg over. He was completely rejected by the others, even though his interests in Christianity lead him to leave his people. He was driven away from Christianity from all the corruption that came with it. Since his purity was tainted by Christianity, it made him unworthy to be able to return home and claim his throne. So far the strong faith that was in the lives of these mentioned believers has not yet been a positive factor in their lives. We have Job who endured a humiliating test by the God he loved. Then theres Mapple who felt that in order to communicate with God he had to be isolated upon a pulpit. Then we have Elijah, the mariner, who preach the word of God to everyone he saw even though they deemed him a humbug. Now we cant forget about Queequeg who was discriminated against by everyone, even his own tribe, just because he was involved in two faiths. These stories make it seem like there is no advantage to having any faith at all. In fact, in the long run no matter whom they were and how strong their faith was, the entire crew ended up having the same fate: a watery death. All except for Ishmael, who was supposedly left to live his life as prophet spreading the word of God? The only affect religion seemed to actually have on these lives, was nothing more than pain and isolation. No one wa s rewarded nor did they receive any advantages just for loving God. In which seemed to have the opposite effect for the non-believers, they had a clear advantage to not having any religion at all. A life spent without religion is a life spent with leisure. The second mate of the Pequod was Stubb, and he was the complete opposite of Starbuck. Starbuck started this voyage to earn a living, in which Stubb just joined for the thrill of the hunt. Through this entire voyage, Stubb really enjoyed himself. His days are now worried free. His supper is one example of his impertinence and carefree attitude. He and the black cook, Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page13 Fleece, have a conversation that leads to questions about death. Stubb asks Fleece where he plans on going after his death, and Fleece just subtly points up. Which was quite funny since Stubb didnt understand this so he told Fleece that we definitely dont need a corpse just hanging from their masthead. Stubb -Stubbs Supper: You said up there, didnt you? And now look at yourself, and see where your tongs are pointing. But, perhaps you expect to get into heaven crawling through the lubbers hole, cook; but, no, no , cook, you dont get there, except you go the regular way, round by the rigging. Its a ticklish business, but must be done, or else its no go. None of us are in heaven yet. He might have some belief in heaven, but its definitely in a very distant corner of his mind. He lives his life without worry of heaven at least until the last possible moment. He thinks faith is nothing but useless, hes a non-believer. He asks Fleece how he intends to get into heaven since it seems the effort is more trouble than it is actually worth. On the other hand, the regular way in Stubbs mind involves a Starbuck-type loyalty, which he doesnt want to give. When he says none of us are in heaven yet he is basically saying: why bother? There is no proof and no live person can be sure that heaven even exists until they die. Therefore, his life is full of enjoyment having no religion, and yet he shares the same fate of Gods blueprint. Starbuck doesnt consider or Craig Peitz How strong is your faith? Page14 fear death at all, and this is how he lives without any worries, superstitions. One example Ishmael give for Stubbs lack of religion and faith, is his pipe. It was described as a part of his face, he thought of it to be some kind of disinfectant that would protect him from Gods wrath. Ishmael doesnt want to believe that there will be no consequences for your decisions in life. Yet some having no religious conviction at all easily lives his life freely, unlike most other Christians. I feel we all have the opportunity to make our own Blue Prints of life regardless of our beliefs and or faith. The only things that all humans have in common is suffering, which brings us together, but yet we all are destined to the fate of death some just sooner than others. These two monolithic figures from literary history lived two very similar lives despite their differences in faith and styles of coping. Both were beset by great tragedy, and endured in their own was. Perhaps there is something to be said of the captains demise when compared to Jobs perseverance, but a faith in something greater is what bound them together.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Bhabhas Contribution to Postcolonial Theory Essay -- Sociology

Colonialism is and has been a reality during previous centuries. As a political and economical reality it entailed significant consequences in the colonized country's politics, geographical maps, and people's lives, fates and temperaments. As the consequences are hard to ignore the writers of the formerly colonized countries never forgot to write about it and their people's lives before, during and after their country's colonization. As Emecheta is one of these writer who is born and brought up in Nigeria, a colony of British Empire until 1960, postcolonial approach is one of the most appropriate critical methods to deal with her narratives. Besides, since she is focusing on women in the colonial and postcolonial setting trying to foreground their subjugation, utilizing ideas proposed by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Chandra Talpade Mohanty as pioneers of postcolonial feminism are helpful in coming to the desired conclusion in this thesis. In addition to Mohanty and Spivak Homi K. Bhabha's propositions regarding the colonized self and her/his dual subjectivity also are helpful. Central to feminist concerns among the postcolonial scholars such as Gayatri Spivak and Talapde Mohanty is Western feminism's inattention to the differences among women. Spivak exposes how the world is presented from the dominant perspective and geopolitical location of the First World to the exclusion of other disenfranchised groups. Regarding women in the Third World countries she believes that the everyday lives of many Third World women are so complex and unsystematic that they cannot be known or represented in a straightforward way by the vocabulary of Western critical theory. In this respect, the lived experiences of such women can be seen to pres... ...2 (2004):365-373. Schneider, Gregory. â€Å"R.K Narayan’s The Guide and Buchi Emecheta’s Kehinde† Stanford Friedman, Susa. â€Å"Locational Feminism: Gender, Cultural Geographies, and Geopolitical Literacy†. www. Ure Mezu, Rose. â€Å"The Perspective of the Other: Rape and Women in Buchi Emecheta's The Rape of Shavi". Bookbird 36.1 (1998): 12-16. Ure Mezu, Rose. Buchi Emecheta's "The Bride Price" and "The Slave Girl": A Schizoanalytic Perspective. Van Judith Alan. â€Å"Sitting on a Man: Colonialism and the Last Political Institutions of Igbo Women†. Canadian Journal of American Studies. 28.2 (1972): 165-71. Ward, Cynthia. â€Å"What They Told Buchi Emecheta: Oral Subjectivity and The Joys of Motherhood.† PMLA 105.1(1990): 83-97.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Overpopulation: Research Paper Essay

Overpopulation: Research Paper Introduction A. Noticing the situations of several people in poverty, otherwise those devastated by natural disasters, pollution, crimes, etc, we have come to conclude that the reason for this suffering is essentially the rapid growth of population, and thus, with this mindset, we decided to uproot the cause further so as to be able to contrast it. B. The objectives of this research are: 1. To make people aware of the crisis of overpopulation 2. To lessen the number of people each year by making them aware of the effects C. Definitions of terms: 1. overpopulation – condition of having a larger population than normal 2. human resources- people with ability and skill as the wealth of a nation 3. accommodate- to provide or supply for someone 4. contraceptives- drug, medicine, chemical agent or device that prevent impregnation 5. natural disasters – occurrences in nature that damage poverty and lives 6. pollution – â€Å"dirtying† or â€Å"killing† nature 7. [global] economic crisis- a depression; a state of unemployment and little or no trade and investment over a long period of time [in the world] 8. poverty- a state of being poor, with no money or goods to support oneself 9. succumb- to give up; to give in to something far more superior 10. decline- a gradual decrease in strength and power [of a nation]; deterioration 11. chaos- a state of disorder, confusion disorganization of something; one in disarray 12. prosperity- a state of success or thriving; flourishing financially and socially D. Data-gathering procedures 1. Interviews 2. Internet Resources Presentation of Gathered Data A. Interviews 1. Annabelle Tee â€Å"For me, overpopulation is not good†¦ because there will be more pollution and this will result to more natural disasters forming around the world. As you can see right now, there have been many strong and deadly typhoons such as Ondoy entering the Philippines. Overpopulation, however, can result to some good things, such as our own country will progress†¦Ã¢â‚¬  2. Richmond Tee â€Å"Overpopulation is when there are more people than there should be. We must lessen the population of the Philippines (and the world) because we need to also put a stop to global warming. Since many people aren’t even aware of this yet, it is becoming more deadly. You see, there have been many natural disasters recently. I really think that overpopulation is bad†¦ Even our family is overpopulated†¦ *laughs*†¦Ã¢â‚¬  3. Izen Lao â€Å"For me, overpopulation will make our country bad because there are a lot of pollution. Mas grabe pa nga sa U.S. eh†¦ *laughs* So thus†¦ overpopulation is bad.† 4. Jan Adrian Chan â€Å"Overpopulation, in my opinion, has two sides: the good and the bad. On the good side, with a greater population, we have more people to help in progression. More people equals more manpower, and manpower means a lot to a country. Even if there aren’t many job opportunities here in the Philippines, workers, or OFWs, they may go abroad to work and bring back some money to enrich our economy. On the other hand however, too many people can cause several things such as traffic congestions, crime, poverty, pollution, etc.† 5. Ninyo Vasquez â€Å"Overpopulation can be good for the economy and at the same time bad because there are positive and negative effects. I think that’s it. B. Internet Resources â€Å"In a corner of the Northern cemetery, Venanjo Sison is standing on top of a coffin and taking a bath. Like many other of Manila’s residents, he is forced to live wherever he can. His home is made of wooden planks and scrap pieces of plastic.† The capital of the Philippines is a very overpopulated place. An average of 41,282 people live in 1 square kilometer; in slum areas the rates rise to even 88,000 people in 1 square kilometer. For Manila, people simply are running out of space. Some live in home-made shacks in cemeteries, railroad tracks or even under bridges. Some even take residence in toxic garbage dumps just to get whatever food they can. A big percentage of the 11 million residents of Manila don’t even have clean water to drink, proper jobs and medicine or education. With such a large population, our resources cannot accommodate everyone anymore. â€Å"Charito Esponilla’s dream is to give her children an education. That is what her neighbour with only two children has done. But the Esponilla family can’t afford to send their children to school. As it is, they have a hard time making ends meet and when the family runs out of money, they are forced to live on the charity of neighbours. â€Å"’Our neighbours are so sweet,’ explains Charito Esponilla, while she washes children’s clothes in three large buckets of laundry. ‘Sometimes they give us a little rice, but a lot of the time they are short on food just like us. Then we have no other choice but to go hungry to bed. On those nights, it’s very hard to fall asleep. The children cry and wake me up all night long. But I don’t have anything to give them. What can I do?’ â€Å"Even though Charito Esponilla loves her seven children, she doesn’t want any more. Like most other Filipinos she doesn’t use contraceptives, and never has. She has considered the birth-control pill, but she doesn’t know much about them and is afraid of what they might do to her body.† Lack of information is one of the main causes of Philippine overpopulation. Dr. Emily Bernardo, the leader of a family-planning unit at the public Jose Fabella Hospital in Manila, says, â€Å"The poorest social groups are incredibly ignorant. They don’t even know how a woman becomes pregnant. Some of them believe they are infertile while they are still breast-feeding their  new-borns and others have never even heard of prevention or contraceptives. Others are still terrified of unknown side effects. That’s why women keep having more children, even though they neither want to nor have the economic means to provide for them.† The Catholic Church, however, is against Dr. Emily Bernardo and the center for family planning. They are against abortion, sterilization and all other forms of contraception, and even sexual education. Women are encouraged instead to guess their egg cycle to prevent pregnancy. Being a very religious country, the Philippines and its government policies are still influenced heavily by the Church. A lot of governmental campaigning on prevention of pregnancy and sexual education never pushed through due to this influence. Interpretation of Data Based on the conducted interviews and the process of surfing the Internet for the data we gathered in this research, we have come to see many points of view concerning the national —or rather worldwide— issue that continues to be an increasing problem in society. Overpopulation, as we now see it, has conflicting good and bad effects to the community. On the one hand, having a lot of people means more human resources, which would be very useful for further growth of national wealth. But on the other hand, the strain on economy and natural resources will be too much for the Philippines—and eventually the whole Earth—to handle, and the world may be left in poverty and chaos, and humans will be left to the mercy of what our once more peaceful world would become. We do not only observe this, though. We can also see that both sides are only possibilities, meaning they may potentially not happen at all. It all depends on what we, as the people, do about our situation. Even if we have manpower to support the nation, the country could still fall into depression if this manpower is not used efficiently. If most Filipinos in their working age, if not all, do not have jobs and sit idly in the streets, definitely the economy would fall. If we  take full advantage of the fact that we have a lot of human resources, we may just prosper. Even if we suffer from a global economic crisis, we could either succumb to the continual decline, or we could try to counteract the problem. After our endeavors, only time can tell what would happen after. How we handle our problems could mean all the difference between prosperity and chaos. Insights Based on Gathered Data Big Ideas: ï‚ · All things, no matter how good or bad they may seem, have both positive and negative sides to them. ï‚ · It’s not so much as what problems we face as how we face them. Sources/Bibliography Interviews: Annabelle Tee and Richmond Tee: parents Izen Lao: close friend Jan Adrian Chan: classmate and insightful peer Ninyo Vasquez: friend from Mindanao

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe Vs. Herman Melville Essays - Fiction, Literature

Edgar Allan Poe Vs. Herman Melville Essays - Fiction, Literature Edgar Allan Poe Vs. Herman Melville Sunday, December 03, 2000 Period 6 English Ms. Lynn Melville vs. Poe I chose to write about the similarities and differences between Herman Melville and Edgar Allan Poe. Both authors/ poets lived a life you could write a book on. They began with similarities from birth till death. Weird and strange events took place throughout their stay on Earth. Both authors time of birth was within a decade apart, and both were born on the East Coast, Melville born in Boston and Poe born in New York. They each were born into poverty and had troubles to worry about. Poes parents died when he was at a young age, and Melvilles parents were failures in business, which led to the death of his father at the age when Melville was twelve. Poes education came from West Point Academy, but not by choice. His foster father paid for Poe to attend, and eventually Poe dropped out. He moved with his Aunt Maria in Baltimore. Melville received his education from school, and sailing the oceans with sailors at a young age. Melville never looked back after sailing out on adventures. He stayed and lived for a period of time on one of the islands called Nuku Hiva. At this time in their lives is when everything became twisted in my opinion. To start off when Poe moves to Baltimore with his aunt, he then marries his cousin Virginia. How in the world could you tell people, Yeah, this is my fourteen year old cousin/ wife.? Does not sound to good if you ask me! On the other hand you could be on an island where people believed in canabalism. That is where Melville ended up while at his stay at Nuku Hiva. I am not sure if Melville took part in eating humans, but either way you would not catch me around these two weirdoes. The climax of Melvillles career came in 1850, when he published Moby Dick. The book is still a favorite today. He made money off of the book, but would it be enough to continue publishing books? The climax of Poes carrer came when he published The Raven in 1845. The book is still read in and out of the classrooms today. The Raven is better than Moby Dick in my opinion. Both books are still sold in stores to this day. One word to summarize both authors careers is DEBT. They did not have enough money to come out with more poems or stories. When they did come out they did not do so well as their previous masterpieces. Thats when drinking took over Poes life. It is said that his drinking was exaggerated that he did not drink that much. As well as alcohol there was opium and that was not better for Poe either. Then you have Melville and his troubles. He is quoted saying; Dollars Damn me. (English book) No money no publications. Melville did however publish a collection of poems when he was older and then retired. Poe died in 1849, and Melville in 1891. I picked these two authors/ poets to write about because their masterpieces of writings are still cherished to this very day. They each lived in the same time frame, and their best works were with in five years of each other. Their styles of writing are different, but still their work is like no other.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Overpopulation in Californias Prisons Essay Example

Overpopulation in Californias Prisons Essay Example Overpopulation in Californias Prisons Essay Overpopulation in Californias Prisons Essay Overpopulated Prison’s and California’s Solution Barbara Leigh Werner Everest University Online California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mistake Recently a Federal Judge has court ordered California Officials to reduce the California Inmate population that is crowding their State Prisons within a six month time frame. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is again disappointing the California people and creating a newly revised strategy to drain the pockets of several California tax payers as anemergency solution to their current prison crisis. Newly built prisons would be under construction to house some of the 40,000 inmates California has to relocate. With thirty-three Prisons, 173,000 inmates and only 87,250 beds the overwhelming number of inmates exceeded itsoptimum capacity by nearly 200%. Governor Schwarzenegger in a desperate attempt to reduce the population in California Prisons declared aPrison Emergency on October 4 as part of the Emergency Services Act. The Governor’s Administration began the process of shipping 2,300 inmates to private out of state correctional facilities such as Texas and Arizona. This war later ordered illegal by a Federal Judge who threatened the Governor with contempt of court. The Emergency Services Act is intended for national disasters and other situations that would overwhelm local jurisdictions and require state intervention. Problems on the Fore Front There are several problems that arise with overpopulated prisons, resulting in a high degree of medical concern. In an overpopulated prison inmates obtain a higher level of stress and elevate blood pressure. This leads to physical and psychological impairment and in an increase in medical complaints. Errors in social judgmentsand interpersonal mistakes are made. The resources for prisoners deplete rapidly due to availability. The screenings for inmates are overlooked and the management for possible problematic prisoners is skipped causing an uneasy environment when mentally ill prisoners interact with the general population. Systems that grow at this lightening speed are at risk for losing their organizational stability and unable to maintain the grounds they guard with authority in place. There are a few simple solutions to help the population from increasing without osting the California taxpayers more money to build new construction prisons that appear to be overlooked. Ideas In an obvious attempt to lower the prison population the courts could shorten sentences given to convicted drug offenders. Those with convictions of possession, under the influence and minor distribution could be shortened or given alternative means of punishment. Also prostitution and solicitation charge s could be reduced. These offenders if charged with three like crimes are most likely sitting in prison for several years under the three strikes law. The cost for one year imprisonment in California runs close to $50,000. 0 per inmate. Take 173,000 inmates and multiply by 50,000 and the total equals $8,650,000,000. 00. This is a number some people would not know how to pronounce or read. Shorten the years sentenced to those whom commit â€Å"paper crimes†. Giving false information in contracts to a government agency will find you five to ten years in prison. For the tax payers of California that is $250,000. 00 to $500,000. 00 total to incarcerate thisperson. The most effective idea brought about is to outsourceprisoners that are convicted in California but their home state or country is located somewhere else. This could save California millions of dollars and lessen the population in our prisons. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger could create an agreement with other states or countries that if a person is convicted in California we would incarcerate them in their home state or country and California would pay the amount of funds to the state or country to incarceratethem. This cost would estimate 1/8 ? the cost to house them in California and would give other states and countries a way to keep their prisons open and pay the associated costs of running a prison. Conclusion An egotistical and arrogant govern ship has turned their heads to simple and beneficial ways to improve their problem at hand. The CPCR estimates that by the spring of 2012 the population in California prisons should jump to 190,000 inmates if a resolution is not found to correct the problem. Governor Schwarzenegger would be applauded if he were to stand up for California and withdraw from robbing their pockets of hard earned money and apply a positive solution. Otherwise he is as guilty as the next inmate that he is shipping off to another private state correctional facility and should join them in their arrival as a prisoner himself.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Heart of darkness 3

Heart of darkness 3 Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness focusses on a journey of self-discovery and the effects of colonialism and imperialism. The struggle that Marlow and Kurtz experience in coming to terms with their world enables them to learn and discover a lot about themselves and others. Conrad exhibits the potential for a physical and psychological journey up the Congo to induce character discoveries into themselves, the natives, the knitters, the doctor and on each other. Predominately, it is Marlow's discoveries within himself that are evident throughout Conrad's text.The na ¯ve, young Marlow, through his journey to the Inner station learns to discriminate between good and evil. Although Marlow never clearly draws a conclusion about his experience, it is obvious that he grasps reality and experience. He discovers that his experiences are a test of his powers of self-control as he gains a tolerance for others through his deep infatuations with the exploiter in Kurtz.S woosie KurtzIn the mental changes, search for reality and battle with the wilderness Marlow believes that it is a journey to "find yourself in what no other man can know". In his experiences, particularly at the Inner station,"the farthest point" and " culminating point" of his existance, Marlow reaches maturity and returns with a knowledge than is greater than his years. Influencing the remaining years of Marlows life, his search for Kurtz has ended in being presented with a man exposed to his evil ways and an individual that has no chance to rectify his past.Although Kurtz' presence in heart Of Darkness is limited, it is through Marlow, that it is clear that Kurtz makes discoveries about himself through his struggle to survive. The wilderness exposes Kurtz' true self and the title, Heart Of Darkness, indicates the darkness that Kurtz...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Policy paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Policy paper - Essay Example Payment Program† which would pay the dairy farmers a sufficient remuneration on a monthly basis whenever the price of the milk and its products decrease below a standard level. After its successful implementation, the policy succeeded in maintaining a steady state of dairy farming across the declining regions and is continuously helping out the farmers whenever they are in a state of economic depression. (Whitehouse, 2006) The policy discussed here has successfully followed the guidelines of an eightfold path analysis. The problems that the policy is going to do deal with are clearly specified and the evidence for its strategy and purpose is clearly visible in the Agricultural Market Transition Act. (Whitehouse, 2006) The problems that are detailed by this policy are obtained from several third party organizations such as the MILC program, Milk production report (Whitehouse, 2006) and National Agricultural Statistics Service. (USDA 2006) The solutions provided for the mentioned problems have been analyzed appropriately considering their own advantages and disadvantages. The goal of the program is set in such a way that it is doable considering the tenure of the implementation of the policy. A proper legalized procedure has been chosen to achieve the goal. Additionally, the impact of applying these strategies, both positive and negative effects have been listed out. The conclusive decision has been men tioned, fulfilling the pre-final step of the eightfold path analysis. As the policy was read out openly at the Senate, it successfully completes the final step of the analysis which is, declaring the policy openly to the public. (Bardach,2008) The policy under discussion has a great impact on the markets pertaining to agriculture. It is a general phenomenon that the agriculture product prices attain highs and lows in the most random manner that one could hardly predict. Specifically, dairy products have always been more volatile in their prices when compared to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Gnosticism and Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gnosticism and Christianity - Essay Example Gnosticism and Christianity In spite of the fact that this might be a rather sound philosophy, early Christianity opposed it much. To begin with, Gnosticism rejected the supremacy of the Creator which was one of the major postulates of Christianity. In addition to that, it claimed the world to be evil, but Christianity could not agree that God had created something evil for the people. That is why the latter often rejected the former, suggesting that it is incompatible with the genuine Christian beliefs. There are numerous dogmas in Christology that are of great important. One of them is the teaching about the nature of Christ. According to it, Jesus is simultaneously a full human and a full God. This is a rather important reservation since it shows that the perfect balance in maintained. This doctrine was developed in response to various heresies which claimed that Jesus is either more human or more God. Another important dogma focuses on the significance of Resurrection. Indeed, this is one of the major event in the world history, as it seen by Christians, since after the Resurrection all the people in the world was provided with a chance to save their soul through genuine faith in Jesus. The significance of it can hardly be exaggerated as it shows that God loves people so much that He was willing to sacrifice His own Son for the good of the people. Monasticism is an essential tradition without Christianity. Of course in the fest centuries it could not develop much because this religion was outlaw; however, when it was legalized monasticism was able to flourish.

Chinas One Child Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chinas One Child Policy - Essay Example In addition, second children are subject to birth spacing of three or four years. If more children are born in the family, this will result in fines. It is reported that most families are required to "pay economic penalties and cannot receive bonuses from the birth control program (One Child Policy 2)." Privileges are given to children in one child families one of which is lower payment. China's One Child Policy is in response to the high population growth during the 1970s when an average woman gave birth to six children. The large number of children becomes acceptable as "parents traditionally relied on a large number of offspring to provide an economic security blanket (Fong 1)." Another purpose of the initiative is to help the country "leapfrog from a Third-World economy to a First-World economy by mimicking the First World fertility and educational patterns." The One Child Policy has a great impact in China. The Taipei Times report that it leaves the country with a huge shortage of women. During 1982, China's gender ratio had stayed relatively normal with 100 girls for every 108 boys.

An analysis of pericles' funeral oration from thucydides Essay

An analysis of pericles' funeral oration from thucydides - Essay Example Pericles, the son of Xanthippus was chosen to give the oration to the first batch of war victims2. Giving eulogy during the burial of war fighters who died during battle has been a custom to the Athenians and it was during such time that the speech of Pericles was given. People of different walks of life gathered to witness the interment of those who bravely fought for the freedom of Athens where a casket was used exclusively for a tribe so that there are many caskets paraded for the people to see. In addition, there is an empty casket which represents those whose bodies are not found. During the early period of the Peloponnesian War, Pericles was chosen to give the speech3 and he chose to be very discreet in voicing out his thoughts as expected from a man of integrity during his time. Pericles praised the Athenians in his eulogy first giving credit to their forefathers who have fought to protect the land that they are currently enjoying during that time, preserved and given to them by their great folks as an inheritance4. He also admired the latter version of their forefathers who equally endeavored to keep their lands free and have acquired more areas of land to add to what earlier Athenians have amassed for modern Athens. He boasted of Athens being a 1. Richard Hooker, Ancient Greece: Thucydides, (1996) (accessed March 28, 2011). 2. Paul Halsall, Ancient History Sourcebook:Thucydides (c.460/455-c.399 BCE): Pericles' Funeral Oration   from the  Peloponnesian War  (Book 2.34-46), (2000) (accessed March 28, 2011). 3. Loc. cit. 4. Halsall, loc. cit. trendsetter who never copied the laws of his neighbors instead became the influence to them in making their laws. The very reason why Athens was called a democratic nation, according to Pericles was because her administration favored the majority and not a chosen few, referring back to her laws which give equal justice and rights regardless of social status5. The true spirit of democracy, he proudly states, is not just about the freedom each citizen enjoys but the respect to the freedom that they have, not abusing the nation’s leniency but enjoying it while her citizens live up to the administration’s expectation, making efforts to maintain peace and order, safeguarding each other and the country. One of the things that Athens enjoys as a democratic country is not only the freedom to work and improve one’s financial status but her encouragement to her citizens to enjoy life as well. Sports have always been part of the Athenian history as a means of relaxation so that all year round, there is no lack of it. The great size of the city and its beauty draws people from around the world and Athens takes great pride in her attitude towards foreigners, not driving them away rather welcoming them and treating them as importantly as they do to fellow Athenians. In connec tion to this, the military policy is another consideration that Pericles discussed in his speech which he admired in contrast to Sparta’s, saying Athens shows liberality to foreigners who are attracted to the nation. The broad-mindedness of Athens allows the enhancement of bright minds to work well, her citizens being allowed what they want to do in contrast to their enemy who force their citizens to be physically fit ready for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Digital Currency Research Paper

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Digital Currency - Research Paper Example The security and networking for Bitcoin users is safe and they have complete control of their transactions. There are no extra fees charged by merchants without the user finding out. The user gets in touch first with the merchant before charging them any extra fees. In addition, Bitcoin protects the user’s personal information so it cannot be viewed by other people who could in-turn try and steal their identity (Cook, 2014). However, all payments in bitcoin cannot be transacted and finalized until the owner’s information is linkedtothe transaction. Therefore, the backing up and the encryption of the Bitcoin guarantees safety for the money. The user’s information is transparent by using the block chain, where all finalized transactions can be viewed by anyone, but your personal information is blocked or hidden from everyone. You can verify transactions anytime in the Bitcoin block chain. Due to Bitcoin being cryptographically secure, it cannot be changed by any organization, government or person. There are usually no fees or very low fees when making payments to Bitcoin unless you would like it done in a quick manner (Dumitrescu&FiricÄÆ', 2014). Then you can increase the fee so that the payment is processed faster. The Digital Currency converts bitcoin into flat currency, which helps the merchant process their transactions at lower fees than when using credit cards or PayPal. The risks are few for Merchant transactions due to bitcoin’s system being cryptographically secure, where fraud is not possible.

Freedom from poverty as a human right (legal perspective) Research Paper

Freedom from poverty as a human right (legal perspective) - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that the standard of life in Canada makes it ranks among the developed countries. Despite some steps that it has made, specialists argue that poverty is a threat that Canadian government has not been able to stump. Debates on standards of living usually incline on how best the country has been able to make economic strides while forgetting to look at ways of stumping out poverty. A renowned public figure Adlai Stevenson argued that freedom ceases when a man does not have the ability to curb his hunger. From this perspective, poverty is an issue that infringes human rights. This statement is believable because poverty is the genesis of all problems that man would ever imagine. Poverty survey index in Canada stands at 3.5 million people. Further, the survey report indicates that poverty is currently increasing among the following groups of people youths, young families, workers, immigrants, colored people, and aboriginals. UN Development Inde x ranks Canada at 4th position, however measuring poverty among Canadian Aboriginals would rank it at position 78 in the same index. This observation is appalling because Canada has had good credibility in economic growth. Organizations fighting for human rights have categorized poverty among factors that deprive man of his rights. The perspective that human rights watch takes intends to create awareness. It is important to note that awareness creation leads to policy development. From this approach, the Canadian government can be able to work some modalities, which would help its citizens from this menace. Argument posted by the Canadian human right watch indicates that Canada has not been able to conclusively some human rights thus permeating room that breeds poverty. It is evident that poverty does exist because of repressive laws, which give opportunities to a few while discriminating upon other groups. Social rights, political rights, civil rights, and economic rights form part of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Canada Parliament House of Common, 2008). These rights influence poverty level in any given community. For instance, violation of social rights such women rights to work would contribute to poverty because it deprives women the opportunity of working in order to elevate poverty. The argument of human rights groups thus point to the legal perspective in fighting poverty. The assumption is policy development in the country depend on the government priority areas. In essence, the government has the ability to devise policy that would support this course of humanity. Pointers of human right achievement subject the country to be among those that fail to observe human rights because its policies on poverty eradication have yielded very little (Kotlowski, 2001). Socialists claim that some human rights may require sensitization in order for the society to realize them (Jacob, 2007). However, it is important to identify the impact of the rights sens itization process before embarking on the program. Active participation in quest for human rights has helped many countries and communities to realize those rights. It is arguable that when the society takes on the right quest the government would be able to enact policies, which would make people to acquire the rights. For instance, the quest for human rights in Canada with regard to poverty bite has to take a legal perspective form. This claim is due to partial compliance with the international human rights treaties that Canada is a party. When addressing poverty in Canada, the key assumption in this argument is that poverty is among human right violation. This would take us to types of human rights. Advocates for human dignity have defined human rights as provisions that are legally binding, guaranteed by laws recognized by international community, of the people administered through the state. This description takes us to three types of human ri

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

An analysis of pericles' funeral oration from thucydides Essay

An analysis of pericles' funeral oration from thucydides - Essay Example Pericles, the son of Xanthippus was chosen to give the oration to the first batch of war victims2. Giving eulogy during the burial of war fighters who died during battle has been a custom to the Athenians and it was during such time that the speech of Pericles was given. People of different walks of life gathered to witness the interment of those who bravely fought for the freedom of Athens where a casket was used exclusively for a tribe so that there are many caskets paraded for the people to see. In addition, there is an empty casket which represents those whose bodies are not found. During the early period of the Peloponnesian War, Pericles was chosen to give the speech3 and he chose to be very discreet in voicing out his thoughts as expected from a man of integrity during his time. Pericles praised the Athenians in his eulogy first giving credit to their forefathers who have fought to protect the land that they are currently enjoying during that time, preserved and given to them by their great folks as an inheritance4. He also admired the latter version of their forefathers who equally endeavored to keep their lands free and have acquired more areas of land to add to what earlier Athenians have amassed for modern Athens. He boasted of Athens being a 1. Richard Hooker, Ancient Greece: Thucydides, (1996) (accessed March 28, 2011). 2. Paul Halsall, Ancient History Sourcebook:Thucydides (c.460/455-c.399 BCE): Pericles' Funeral Oration   from the  Peloponnesian War  (Book 2.34-46), (2000) (accessed March 28, 2011). 3. Loc. cit. 4. Halsall, loc. cit. trendsetter who never copied the laws of his neighbors instead became the influence to them in making their laws. The very reason why Athens was called a democratic nation, according to Pericles was because her administration favored the majority and not a chosen few, referring back to her laws which give equal justice and rights regardless of social status5. The true spirit of democracy, he proudly states, is not just about the freedom each citizen enjoys but the respect to the freedom that they have, not abusing the nation’s leniency but enjoying it while her citizens live up to the administration’s expectation, making efforts to maintain peace and order, safeguarding each other and the country. One of the things that Athens enjoys as a democratic country is not only the freedom to work and improve one’s financial status but her encouragement to her citizens to enjoy life as well. Sports have always been part of the Athenian history as a means of relaxation so that all year round, there is no lack of it. The great size of the city and its beauty draws people from around the world and Athens takes great pride in her attitude towards foreigners, not driving them away rather welcoming them and treating them as importantly as they do to fellow Athenians. In connec tion to this, the military policy is another consideration that Pericles discussed in his speech which he admired in contrast to Sparta’s, saying Athens shows liberality to foreigners who are attracted to the nation. The broad-mindedness of Athens allows the enhancement of bright minds to work well, her citizens being allowed what they want to do in contrast to their enemy who force their citizens to be physically fit ready for

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Freedom from poverty as a human right (legal perspective) Research Paper

Freedom from poverty as a human right (legal perspective) - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that the standard of life in Canada makes it ranks among the developed countries. Despite some steps that it has made, specialists argue that poverty is a threat that Canadian government has not been able to stump. Debates on standards of living usually incline on how best the country has been able to make economic strides while forgetting to look at ways of stumping out poverty. A renowned public figure Adlai Stevenson argued that freedom ceases when a man does not have the ability to curb his hunger. From this perspective, poverty is an issue that infringes human rights. This statement is believable because poverty is the genesis of all problems that man would ever imagine. Poverty survey index in Canada stands at 3.5 million people. Further, the survey report indicates that poverty is currently increasing among the following groups of people youths, young families, workers, immigrants, colored people, and aboriginals. UN Development Inde x ranks Canada at 4th position, however measuring poverty among Canadian Aboriginals would rank it at position 78 in the same index. This observation is appalling because Canada has had good credibility in economic growth. Organizations fighting for human rights have categorized poverty among factors that deprive man of his rights. The perspective that human rights watch takes intends to create awareness. It is important to note that awareness creation leads to policy development. From this approach, the Canadian government can be able to work some modalities, which would help its citizens from this menace. Argument posted by the Canadian human right watch indicates that Canada has not been able to conclusively some human rights thus permeating room that breeds poverty. It is evident that poverty does exist because of repressive laws, which give opportunities to a few while discriminating upon other groups. Social rights, political rights, civil rights, and economic rights form part of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Canada Parliament House of Common, 2008). These rights influence poverty level in any given community. For instance, violation of social rights such women rights to work would contribute to poverty because it deprives women the opportunity of working in order to elevate poverty. The argument of human rights groups thus point to the legal perspective in fighting poverty. The assumption is policy development in the country depend on the government priority areas. In essence, the government has the ability to devise policy that would support this course of humanity. Pointers of human right achievement subject the country to be among those that fail to observe human rights because its policies on poverty eradication have yielded very little (Kotlowski, 2001). Socialists claim that some human rights may require sensitization in order for the society to realize them (Jacob, 2007). However, it is important to identify the impact of the rights sens itization process before embarking on the program. Active participation in quest for human rights has helped many countries and communities to realize those rights. It is arguable that when the society takes on the right quest the government would be able to enact policies, which would make people to acquire the rights. For instance, the quest for human rights in Canada with regard to poverty bite has to take a legal perspective form. This claim is due to partial compliance with the international human rights treaties that Canada is a party. When addressing poverty in Canada, the key assumption in this argument is that poverty is among human right violation. This would take us to types of human rights. Advocates for human dignity have defined human rights as provisions that are legally binding, guaranteed by laws recognized by international community, of the people administered through the state. This description takes us to three types of human ri

Teacher Effectiveness Essay Example for Free

Teacher Effectiveness Essay In the initial perceptions report I selected confidence and patience as the personal attributes most relevant to effective teaching, and thorough subject knowledge and outlining clear and consistent expectations as the two most important classroom strategies to overall effective teaching. Various research studies into effective teaching have found that personal attributes, teaching and learning strategies and classroom management all play a significant role in overall teacher effectiveness. It has been found that teachers who exhibit socially just personal attributes such as care, compassion and empathy for all students are most effective. Teachers who are ? active in employing a range of teaching and learning strategies that are heavily based on student-teacher and student-student interaction are also found to be effective. In terms of classroom management, effective teachers are able to outline and stick to a clear set of high expectations for all students. These findings correlate with my initial perceptions to carrying degrees. While all the initial perceptions bear some relevance, generally speaking, factors and influences that make up effective teaching involve a much broader set of criteria than just patience, confidence, subject knowledge and expectations. The personal attributes of teachers is shown to be a significant factor in overall teacher effectiveness in a number of studies. Generally speaking, teachers who are socially just and have a genuine concern for all students have been found to be the most effective. This is a much broader conception of personal attributes than what was identified in the initial perceptions of teacher effectiveness, that of confidence and patience. The keen ambition to care for, respond to and develop the talents of all students is repeatedly referred to in studies as being a significant determinant of overall teacher effectiveness (Dinham, 2004, OECD, 1994, Batten, 1993). Such an ambition requires a number of personal attributes, one of which would include patience. In all teaching frameworks, teachers will inevitably face a range of abilities, skills and personalities. If teachers are genuinely committed to caring for and developing all students equally they will inevitably require patience each in terms of the rate at which students understand the concepts and information being presented to them as well as the manner in which students act and respond to both them personally and to the work they are presented with. However, while patience is a definite requirement in the care for all students, there is a broader set of attributes that are needed to achieve this ambition. Teachers who exhibit socially just attributes such as honesty, empathy and compassion are more likely to genuinely care for and develop all students, thereby making them more effective (Dinham, 2004). Significantly, these attributes will also play a significant role in providing a safe learning environment for all students, one of the three central components of the Quality Teaching Framework (NSW Quality Teaching Framework). Teachers who are reflective, willing and able to adjust and improve and to set an example of moral conduct for their students have also been found to be effective (OECD, 1994). A willingness and ability to reflect and adjust, as well as to provide a moral example for students depends significantly on the personal attributes of the teacher. Confidence is relevant to these attributes as in order for the process of self reflection and moral modelling to be successful, teachers must first be confident enough to engage in the process. For example, if a teacher does not possess confidence in their own moral beliefs and reasoning, they will be unable to model them for their students in any effective manner. However reflection and moral conduct requires more that just confidence. Ultimately it requires outward looking behaviour in an attempt to achieve positive relationships and a culture for success (Dinham, 2004). Specific teaching and learning strategies as they are implemented in the classroom bear a significant impact on overall teacher effectiveness. In terms of my initial perceptions report, thorough subject knowledge was identified as being of great importance for overall teacher effectiveness. The role and relevance of thorough subject knowledge is acknowledged as dependant upon overall teacher effectiveness to varying degrees (Darley-Hammond, 2000). The Darling-Hammond study (2000) found mixed support for subject matter knowledge as a determinant of effective teaching. The study showed that the greater time spent in teacher training courses and in subsequent professional development, on method areas and pedagogical development in specific methods, increased overall teacher effectiveness. While this doesnt relate directly to specific subject knowledge, content knowledge undoubtedly supports pedagogical knowledge, thereby making it relevant and influential. A student focussed, interactive approach that draws upon a range of specific teaching strategies is consistently found to be most significant in terms of effective teaching and learning practices within the classroom (Batten, 1993, Brophy and Good, 1986, OECD, 1994, Ayers et al. , 2004). Brophy and Good (1986) describe ? active teaching as being a central component of overall teacher effectiveness. By active teaching they are referring to an approach that relies heavily on student-teacher and student-student interaction, limiting the amount of time spent on independent instruction and unsupervised seatwork (Brophy and Good. 1986). The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Quality in Teaching, Paris Report (1994) supports this assertion in their report findings, stating that effective classrooms generally implemented teacher led activities with considerable interaction between the students and the teacher. Both studies acknowledge whole class discussion, closely monitored group work and effective questioning as part of the teacher led interactive approach. Each of these studies acknowledged class discussion and effective questioning as integral to the ? active teaching approach. Such skills involve the ability to effectively pose a combination of open and closed questions, questions that are based on recall and reflection and questions that allow for differences of opinion and interpretation in order to encourage meaningful discussion (Wragg and Brown, 2001). Such techniques allow students to personally engage with material, thereby making the work significant to students, one of the three components of the NSW Quality Teaching Framework. It is doubtful whether this would be able to be effectively achieved without a thorough knowledge of the content to which the teacher would develop questions and discussion about. Ayres et al. (2004) in their study regarding effective HSC teaching found that teaching and learning strategies that were dynamic and varying, for example lessons that progressed from presentations, to discussions, to interactive seat work and to some independent work, were found to be  effective. The study also found that the more effective teachers were willing to choose more difficult topic options and would change their chosen topics regularly. In order for teachers to effectively teach the difficult options, or continuously change their chosen topic in order to maintain their motivation, they would need to possess thorough knowledge in their subject. Therefore, while specific subject knowledge may not be an overwhelming component of effective classroom strategies, those that are deemed most effective would not work without the teacher first possessing thorough knowledge of their subject. Classroom management is the third component that is found to be most influential in overall teacher effectiveness. In my initial perceptions report I chose outlining clear and consistent expectations as an effective teaching strategy in order to increase the chance of student behaviour consistency. This initial perception seems to be supported by various studies regarding teacher effectiveness. The OECD report (1994) describes effective classroom management as providing a safe and orderly classroom where a set of high expectations are explained to and understood by students. In Margaret Battens (1993) study of individual Victorian teachers who had been deemed to be effective teachers, such practices as refusing to talk over students, carrying out outlined consequences such as giving more work to students who misbehaved and clearly and firmly stating to students to change their behaviour when they were not following classroom expectations, were often employed to manage an orderly and safe classroom for all students. All such strategies involve my initial perception of outlining clear and consistent expectations of students, and if carried out effectively, support the creating supportive environments element of the NSW Quality Teaching Framework. Effective teaching depends upon a broad range of criteria relating to socially just personal attributes, a broad ranging and interactive set of teaching and learning strategies and high classroom expectations. Within the range of this criteria patience, confidence, subject knowledge and consistent expectations undoubtedly bear some influence, however there are many other factors that also bear significant influence. References Ayers, P. , Sawyer, W. and Dinham, S. (2004) ? Effective teaching in the context of a Grade 12 high-stakes external examination in New South Wales, Australia, British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1 pp 141-165. Batten, M. , Marland, P. and Khamis, M. (1993) Knowing How to Teach Well: Teachers Reflect on Their Classroom Practice. ACER Research Monograph No 44. Hawthorn: ACER. (Chapter 3 pp. 18-33) Dinham, S. (2004) ? The Influence of Leadership in Producing Outstanding Schooling Outcomes in Junior Secondary Education, AESOP Report, School of Education, University of New England, Australia. Darling-Hammond (2000) http://eppa. asu. edu. epaa. v8nl Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (1994) Quality in Teaching, Paris: OECD (Chapter 4: pp. 34-71). Wragg, E. and Brown, G. (2001) Questioning in the Secondary School, 2nd Edition, London: RoutledgeFalmer. (Chapter 3: pp. 27-39).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tourism Case Study: Universal Studios

Tourism Case Study: Universal Studios The main objectives of writing the report are to do a case study on how the universal studio is able to attract the local and tourist into investing into the place. The report would cover why universal studio is able to do so and their unique features attracting the both tourist and local into investing it. How they are better than their competitors (escape theme park) or how are they in a way inferior to their competitor using the swot analysis. How is there a raise in the tourism in Singapore due to the universal studio. Understanding how universal studio is being established and their importance in bringing revenue to Singapore market and helping in the raise of tourism. The report would be based on my first hand observation in how the universal studio works and came to it success on my first hand observation, making a visit to the universal studio trip myself and feel in the perspective of the tourist and local why is the place worth going and investing in by going there. Approaching my friends who had been there for their reviews regarding universal studio and how do they feel about the place for a better understanding other than my own bias view or doing a survey on how they people feel about universal studio. Interview my friend who is working there to have a clearer picture of universal studio and what they does their daily routines contains of maintaining the flow of the people every day. What is a universal studio? Universal studio is a theme park built to raise tourism in Singapore. The theme park is located at Sentosa within Resort World Sentosa. Genting group was the one bidding to build a second integrated resort in Singapore. On 19 April 2007, the start of building the Resort World Sentosa ( RWS ) was commence. After few years of construction and the park was then opened to public at 18 March 2010 recently. The universal studio brings about lots of wonderful attractions bringing 24 movies themed rides and attractions experiencing new rides and shows based on blockbuster hits. It is both locally and tourist enticing place for Singapore to build upon. History of Universal studio Genting group was the investor that came to bid successfully upon building integrated resorts in Singapore located at Sentosa. Commence of building the RWS and universal studio starts on 19 April 2007. The park was finally opened on 18 March 2010 upon three years of construction. The park was opened for sneak preview during the Chinese New Year period to promote and let the people know about the place and great place to spend for the special occasion. Sneak preview week started on 14 to 21 February 2010 from 5pm to 9pm every night. The park was opened for sightseeing purposes as none of the rides is operational which serves the purposes of promoting and tempt the people to see how great and wonderful the place was to be spread around anticipating the official open of universal studio and invest upon the place. Visitors have to pay 10 dollars only to goes in the visit the long awaited universal studio. Also, team members are allowed to bring their families to visit the park before the public are allowed to do so. After the official opening, some of the attractions would be opening later at a different timing due to unfinished construction and safety of the people. The largest roller coaster has been hailed due to the safety and problems they encountered when the ride is opened. Achievements of universal studio Universal studio has brought about some attractions and rides which is available in other countries and brought it back to Singapore for the locals. Local people are able to enjoy the attraction which can be found in other countries locally. Each ticket would cost about 62 dollars for weekdays and 72 dollars for weekend for adult pass. With such a costly ticket it will certainly bring more income for Singapore. The place consists of 30 restaurants inclusive of food push carts and 20 unique retail stores located all over the park. 7 zones of movie themed world and 22 attractions have been designed. Not only are they able to access the Universal studio, they are able to venture into the sentosa island which also serves the purpose for tourist attraction. It has brought the best movie themed attractions packed within the seven zones to life. Attracting locally and tourist into the dazzled place packed with fantasy for and both children and adults where they have been wishing for. It has brought about entertainment to people and turning moments to lasting memories of people who visited there. There would be themed hotels available to cater the needs of people and their choice of preference. It has successfully brought Singapore a unique theme park which is the only one found in Singapore. Aims of Universal Studio It has successfully brought Singapore a unique theme park attracting lots of tourist and locals to visit it. Their aims for market are to bring tourism and economical of Singapore to a greater heights. It is to maintain quality service and entertainment to those who visited it for lasting memories. Hoping they would be back to visit the place again on their next trip back to Singapore. What is so unique about Universal studio? The unique points about universal studio is the 7 zones of movie themed world which has brought movies characters alive giving visitors memorable visit and trip making to money paid worthwhile. The 7 zones of themed world consist of The Lost World, Far Far Away, Madagascar, Ancient Egypt, Sci Fi City, Hollywood and New York. All these places are built upon the movies themed and blockbuster hits. The place constructed is based on the movies featuring characters appearances, shopping and dining areas bringing the movie to life. Firstly, The Lost World is divided into two areas Jurassic Park and Waterworld. Featuring both two movie blockbuster hits which are popular among the people. The Lost World helps people to get to know more about dinosaurs and seeing the movies coming alive before their eyes. There are rides featuring the perspective of dinosaurs and how it is like to be surrounded with dinosaurs. Rides which consist of the bird eye view of the place, and some thrilling river raft ride ensuring us to be soaking wet at the of the ride. Waterworld is a water based attractions where we can get to see stunts, amazing explosion live in the water show. Far Far Away land is a movie themed place inspired by dreamwork animations mainly featuring Shrek and the rich fairy tales life. Knowing the characters that living within the fairy tale walls coming to life. Shrek house was being build and there is Shrek 4D featuring a short and realistic movie where we can actually feel the action right from the seat in their short fairy tale adventure. Junior roller coaster is available to for riding too. Madagascar is also one of the dreamwork animation inspired theme zones where it features the dense tropical filled with wonderful characters of Madagascar in the movies. There is a merry go round where we can ride it to be feel like surrounding the Madagascar character and once again be like a child. Unfortunately not all the rides is opened there which will bring people to goes back next time when it is opened so as not to miss any wonderful attractions there. Ancient Egypt is a place featuring ancient pyramids and archaeologist site appearing in movies like the mummy similar to it. Roller coaster is the most exciting rides in the universal studio aside from the huge roller coaster which is not functioning till further notice. It allows us to feel the fire and actually knowing more of ancient pyramids. Sci Fi City is a place featuring the modern place of people where future place would look like base on our high technology nowadays. It is also where the two major roller coasters situated at. It is just basically for sightseeing purposes since most of the attractions are closed due to safety issues. Hollywood is a themed place which features the Hollywood boulevard where dynamic architecture, palm trees and walk of the fame. It features shows like where universal monsters in a rock and roll musical performances bring joy to visitors. It is also the place where most of the shopping can be done. Many iconic Hollywood boulevard. New York is a place where the sidewalks and classic landmarks are being featured. There are facade set of movie scenes for real time movie productions. Where there are attractions that showed us how the movie is being produced and how tedious the actual filming would be bringing a spectacular effect for the movie screen. Thus, all the 7 zones and attractions made up of universal studio make it uniquely special and the only theme park found in Singapore. Difficulties faced Due to the technical problems, some might feel that the park is not up to expectations. The major rides are not operational till further notice might be turning some visitors down into visiting the place for the time being. Not all attractions are opened which states coming soon. Thus, some might want to wait for awhile when everything is working to make the trip and money worthwhile instead, paying 5 dollars for after hours to go in for some sightseeing. Furthermore, the ticket might not be available on the spot as there is limited admission visitors need to book in advance through internet. Some might not want to go about the fuss booking the ticket and stuffs. Strategies ( SWOT ) SWOT Analysis Strengths USS is located in the City State of Singapore easily accessible and at the crossroad of major air traffic flow that can direct a huge potential market to the Studio. It has a very strong appeal to visitors and tourists, as Universal Studio is already a well-known Branding internationally. The individual attractions, shows and rides within USS are really world-class and offer unparalleled fun and enjoyment to the visitor USS is an important component within a newly-developed Integrated Resort in the Leisure Island of Sentosa, that include casino, conventions and meetings, hotel and FB. Each area can draw on each other to generate more business and increases revenue which could eventually contribute to Singapores growing economy. Weaknesses USS needs to keep improving and creating new attractions, rides, performances etc to bring repeat visitors back and sustain visitorship numbers. USS is highly dependent on tourists visitors to sustain its daily visitors. The admission charge is relatively high and will be a major set-back to visitors. Visitor numbers are currently high every day, so there is a need for advanced bookings of up to a week to ensure getting admission tickets for a preferred visit date. However last-minute plan to visit USS may result to tickets being sold out and thus people wanting to go would be disappointed. USS requires high operating and maintenance costs and will take many years for the investor to recover its total investment. Opportunities 1. The regional market potential is huge for USS. Strong economic growth in the region will lead to better spending. This will result to more tourists arrivals at Singapore, and USS. 2. The Singapore Tourism Board has set high target for tourism visitorship targeting to hit 15 million visitors by 2015. USS is thus able to capture a huge amount of this number as it is a major tourist destination for these visitors to visit. Threats Economic downturns and recession when it happens, will negatively affect USS in a big way, since traveling and spending will drop due to such poor economic condition. New players and neighbouring countries will try to copy the success of the Integrated Resort concept and develop their casinos, theme-parks, hotels. All these will present a threat to USS as visitors are drawn away from it. Competitor ( Escape theme park ) Escape theme park is an outdoor park located at Downtown East, Pasir Ris. It is not a theme park where fairy tales came alive like universal studio. But a normal park consisting of families and thrills rides catering for all ages. But the park is only available on Saturday, Sunday, primary and secondary and public holidays unlike Universal studio which opens daily. It is catered more for locals as the going to the place is a bit troublesome due to have to change bus going down there. Many tourists might not know how to get there. But universal studio is much simpler due to the monorail services. Also, the operation days falls on weekends and public holidays which make lesser tourist visiting it as they are not able to go in the theme park during weekdays as weekends might be packed and there might be a lot of queues for the rides. Surveys results Due to the rejection of my email to conduct my interview for universal studio, i decided to conduct a survey on universal studio to ask them about their views to have non bias and a clearer perception of the theme park. Knowing how it actually attract the people there and why universal studio is able to bring a greater heights in both tourism and economically. There are a total of 6 questions being asked where. Firstly, do you think that it is worth the money going to Universal studio? The objective of this question asked is to see the result if how many people think that a costly admission ticket of universal studio is worth taking a trip down to. Thus, if many agree with it, it means to say that universal studio has successfully captured the attention of people thinking of going there and the admission ticket is valued for money, and worth the price for going there to visit. Through the survey, i have concluded that a majority of the people do feel that it is worth the money going down to the Universal Studio Singapore. Whereas on the other hand, some find that it may not be worth it. Secondly, if money is not a factor would you visit universal studio for once? The objective of the question is to assume if the admission ticket is affordable for everyone, are they willing to spend their time visiting the place for at least once. The survey result obtained is most people would certainly go to the place if money is not an issue to them. Thirdly, what do you think of the service of universal studio? The objective of the question is to ask about the service they provided is it was satisfying to bring a good reputation to the tourist and locals to make them visit the place again. Majority of the people voted for average. Which means that the service provided have rooms for improvements thus, bringing greater income for Singapore. Fourthly, for those who had visited universal studio what is your comment about? The objective of the question is to ask those people who had visited there to talk about their view of it and impression of Universal studio have left for them. Some of the people had great reviews about universal studio and said that they would visit the place again. Due to their great ambience and atmosphere it had created, it is worth the trip down the place. There is several different themes all found n one place. But some said that it was not really up to standards, as not all rides are operational. Thus, it became a disappointment to them as they are not able to ride all when the admission ticket is costly. Thus, they should have the responsible to ensure all rides are operational before opening. There is also a comparison between Singapore universal studio and other countries. Singapore one was small as compared to others hence little rides s available. But the effort is still there for making the only several themed theme park found in Singapore. Fifth, for those who did not go Universal studio before what are your views about the place? The objectives of asking the question is asking about what impression does Universal studio brings them. To test if they would ever wanted to visit it. Most of them have said that the impression that the universal studio brought was expensive and glamorous. It is a fun and exciting place to go but definitely a price to pay. It is a place where cartoons and fairytale came alive, a different theme park found in Singapore. It seems to be made a tourist attraction and point. But the price is still a bit high and has to consider as there might be crowds whereby one could not be able to finish all the rides in one day as the park stops operating at 7. But more choose to go there once after it is fully operational to make the money paid worthwhile. Lastly, how would rate universal studio? The objective of the question is to ask if after all Universal Studio is worth the money and time to go. A lot had chosen that it is average and it depends if they want to go a not due to money factor and facilities of the park. Coming up next is up to expectations and worth going. Thus, most people are likely to go if the facilities are all open bring a greater income for Singapore and tourism rate. Full facilities are more appealing to people than current facilities. This means that there might be more people and income after the facilities are fully open. This survey had served its purpose of surveying the response they thought of universal studio. With the survey results being positive, it means that Singapore is success in building universal studio. Thus, with a positive response it means that people are attracted to it investing in the place which serves the purpose of tourist attraction point and contributing to economy sector of Singapore is a great success. Conclusion Based on my first hand observation of the universal studio, USS has been successful in appealing to the general public as well as tourists. It has been contributing a significant amount of revenue towards Singapores economy through the tourism sector since its first launch. It basically appeals to a wide market segment and thus that is one of the reasons for its success. I personally find that through such world-renowned tourists attractions, Singapores economy will be impacted in a positive way for many years to come. Seasonal tourism in Azerbaijan: Patterns and effects Seasonal tourism in Azerbaijan: Patterns and effects The main purpose of this thesis is to embark on seasonality research in Azerbaijan, which has been neglected due to several reasons, for example, lack of sufficient data and interest from the industry. The lack of prior studies regarding seasonality in Azerbaijan furnishes originality to this thesis. The research seeks to find out seasonality patterns in Baku, the causes and effects of seasonality and possible actions against it. It must be also noted that Azerbaijan is at the beginning of tourism development and seasonal patterns are likely to change over the years thanks to huge investments and far-reaching changes. 5.1 General findings In order to prepare theoretical foundations of the research, a wide-ranging literature review has been performed. Main causes of seasonality – natural, institutional and other factors were elucidated. The impacts arising from seasonal patterns were depicted. At the end of theoretical groundwork management strategies were given. Such theoretical foundation helped later to investigate the seasonality patterns, causes and effects and develop a strategy in Baku against seasonality. Having established conceptual framework, an empirical study has been undertaken in order to explore seasonality in Baku. The research area, Baku, Azerbaijan was introduced. In order to answer raised questions, a survey with both quantitative and qualitative questions was designed. The questionnaire was emailed to a total of 83 accommodations and resorts operating in Baku. However, 27 emails were bounced back and considered as non-delivery. 12 respondents filled in the questionnaire and returned. In spite of low response rate and reluctance of businesses, the answers provided important data which facilitated addressing the research problem. The survey revealed many facts which were not clear before this research. Based on survey results, the research questions were answered. It was found that autumn, spring as well as Novruz holiday was peak season for accommodations in Baku. Summer, winter and New Year break are low demand season. Most accommodations operating in Baku do not suspend their operations in off-season period. However, their income substantially falls. While majority of accommodations increases prices in high demand season, slightly less than half keep the prices the same. Pricing is also used in low demand season, this time through reductions. It must be noted that most respondents found price decrease practical for tackling with seasonal fluctuations. Though not expected, none of respondents dismiss employees during low seasons, as they do not hire temporary workers but keep stable personnel. The results also cleared that contrary to the underlying assumptions, seasonality does not affect the quality of se rvices in accommodations in Baku. It was discovered that the accommodations do not have any special offer or strategy regarding seasonality, apart from price decreases, which should be counted as discount rather seasonality measure. The main causes of seasonality in Azerbaijan were also established. Climate and weather patterns and also tough competition with other countries were found as crucial factors. A possible strategy against strategy should include price decrease from businesses, offering new services, finding new markets and also government support to tourism businesses, which can take place in different forms, such as tax cuts, loans, marketing activities abroad and etc. Furthermore, the government should diversify tourism services in Baku and all over the country, and especially develop winter tourism. Though Azerbaijan is already offering sun and beach tourism, the quality and environmental issues do not permit attracting huge number of international tourists. Government can also play a role in scattering holidays throughout a year and avoid high seasonal concentrations. Besides, seasonality can also be positively utilized for educational purposes, especially given the fact that most tourism personne l lack adequate training in Azerbaijan. The overall impression from survey is that Baku experiences a medium level of seasonality. There are many facts that justify this statement. First of all, the businesses did not unanimously consider seasonality as a problem for themselves. One fourth of the respondents either did not agree or were uncertain. Secondly, the overwhelming majority do not shut down during low seasons. Thirdly, employee dismissal, which is deemed as serious problem arising from seasonality does not take place in these accommodations. And finally, these businesses did not confirm the negative impact of seasonality on the quality of their services. All these arguments provide ground for the conclusion that Baku undergoes only an intermediate level seasonality. The reason is that Baku as a city has many advantages. It is a capital city, with the biggest international airport, and also business centre of the country. The city has a lot to offer to tourists due to its cultural and historical heritage as well as location. It can also be argued that the tourism potential of Baku has not been properly utilized. For example, though Baku can be an international sun and beach destination in summer, it is far from this. Even international tourists prefer travelling to Baku in spring and autumn in order to avoid high temperatures. The findings of this thesis can be used both by academic circles and also professionals. This study can serve as a source for researchers, especially for those who investigate seasonality or explore tourism in Azerbaijan. Seasonality is closely related with demand forecasting. By exploring the subject matter the businesses can also benefit from seasonality research in many ways. For example, the businesses can roughly calculate guest numbers based on demand forecasting, take steps to lower the imbalance between seasons. 5.2 Limitations of the study and further research The research has come with several limitations. First of all, the survey was carried out only among accommodations and resorts. It is obvious that the list of accommodations operating in Baku is not complete, though the one used is much more wide-ranging and broad in comparison with other sources. Albeit email was sent to 83 businesses, 27 of them immediately bounced back and the same happened with follow-up emails. Some of these emails were traced to other sources or the website of accommodation, if any. Moreover, while tabulating results, 56 accommodations were taken as whole surveyed population. Secondly, the results of survey among accommodations cannot be easily generalized to the whole tourism industry of Baku. Therefore, the findings of this research may not agree with the results of similar survey among other tourism businesses in Baku. Especially tour operators and travel agencies can bring about a totally different seasonality patterns, causes and effects. While the use of accommodations by local people is likely much lower than international visitors in Baku due to high prices and stay at relatives’ place, accommodations mainly provide information on inbound international tourists. However, tour operators and travel agencies operate different kind of businesses throughout country. Their services are widely used by outbound tourists, which in this case are local people. Since the seasonality patterns between inbound and outbound tourists can considerably differ, there is a probability that the seasonality patterns of accommodations can also significantly disagr ee with that of travel agencies, tour operators and other tourism businesses. Thirdly, the answers to the quantitative questions were of nominal and interval scale. However, these scales do not provide precision for making a decision (Colton and Covert, 2007, p. 80), such as determining the level of seasonality. Finally, although the respondents have in most cases shown their names and positions while returning the questionnaire, it is unknown that to what extent the answers are correct. Names or even positions do not tell much about the knowledge or capacity of the person who filled in the questionnaire. Therefore, a close look at the businesses such as face-to-face interview could provide more reliable data. Furthermore, since respondents usually show reluctance with regards to qualitative questions, quantitative questions with answer options were extensively utilized in questionnaire. However, in order to make in-depth analysis of the issue, qualitative methods should be in place. But comprehensive qualitative answers could be obtained through interviews instead of email attached questionnaire. Moreover, a higher response rate could be achieved in case of interviews. Apparently, a totally different seasonality pattern could be found out in other regions of the country. Hence, the results cannot be extended other locations. However, there is an utmost need for raising seasonality issue and addressing this concern in regions, even more than Baku. Other cities and tourism spots are likely to incur a higher seasonality level than Baku, as they attract less international tourists and focus on summer tourism activities. Further research should be done to exactly calculate the seasonality level in Azerbaijan, Baku and other regions, based on the monthly data provided from the State Statistics Committee, when available. Most researches on seasonality are quantitative and ascertain seasonality level by computing Guini coefficient, seasonality ratio and/or coefficient of seasonal variation. However, to date the tourism figures have been collected on a yearly basis rather than monthly in Azerbaijan. Therefore, exact calculation of seasonality is currently not possible. Furthermore, decomposition based on country of origin and other criteria should be performed, which will help to tailor a strategy in accordance with more detailed seasonality patterns. Subsequently, the effectiveness of these strategies can be examined in other studies. A research on forecasting tourism demand would also be very useful, particularly for businesses.